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Coach on Tap streamlines connections between coaches and clients, empowering informed decisions and enhancing the coaching experience.

What is Coach on Tap?

We are a comprehensive coach-matching platform connecting coaches and clients seamlessly. We elevate outcomes through effective communication tools, streamlined scheduling, and robust client management features for personalized coaching experiences.

Our Mission:

We aim to elevate awareness of the transformative power of coaching services by offering a comprehensive matching solution and educational programs that benefit both clients and coaches.

Our Vision:

We envision a world where coaching is accessible to all, anytime and anywhere, transforming personal and professional growth journeys on a global scale.

Our Core Values: C.A.R.E.

  • Curious

    Fueling growth with an inquisitive spirit, we embrace curiosity, learning, and creativity.

  • Authentic

    Genuine, self-aware, honest, humble, and with unwavering integrity – that's Coach on Tap.

  • Respectful

    Embracing differences, we cultivate kindness and respect for oneself, others, and the environment.

  • Enabler of Success

    Fueling success by empowering others to thrive ensures mutual accomplishment and growth.

    Meet Our Team

    Meet the skilled minds driving Coach on Tap's success - a team dedicated to transformation coaching experiences.


    Meet our Advisors: Guiding Coach on Tap with wisdom and expertise.

  • Amy Vu

    Marketing Advisor

    Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." — George Bernard Shaw

  • Alex Holt

    Technical Advisor

    “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Deanne Nguyen

    Technical Advisor

    “When you expect nothing from the world, everything is a wonder and every moment is a gift”

  • Huy Nguyen

    Technical Advisor

    Journey before destination.

    Our Leader

    Leadership team driving Coach on Tap's vision with innovation and dedication.

  • Tanya Truong

    Coach on Tap Founder

    "To be the best version of yourself, you got to Learn it, Live it, Be it!" Tanya Truong

    Our Team

  • Eri Nguyen

    Marketing Specialist & Product Design

    If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart - Buddha

  • Phong Dang

    Full Stack Developer

    LifeSolving problems, creating value

  • Jesse Dinh

    Marketing Specialist & Project Manager

    You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. - Carl Jung

  • Man Pham

    Lead Developer, AI

    Passionate about creating, innovating without stopping

  • Vinh Bui

    Full Stack Developer

    You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky

    Elevate your coaching business with our strategic support.

    Tech-Enabled Optimization

    Elevate your coaching effortlessly. Join a global community, receive personalized matching, and explore diverse coaching styles. With cutting-edge tech, we simplify the business side, letting you focus on coaching excellence.


    We prioritize your success by offering a seamless platform, personalized programs, and diverse formats. Our commitment is to reduce administrative burden, allowing you to focus on your true passion—coaching.


    We appreicate inclusivity and unity. Connect with a diverse network of coaches, sharing, learning, and elevating expertise. Join a vibrant and supportive coaching community that celebrates the uniqueness of each coach.

    Empowering Personal Journeys:

    Discover Your Ideal Coach, Unlocking New Possibilities.


    Your growth matters! Elevate your mental well-being with accessible, cost-effective coaching for personalized success.


    Enjoy your successful journey with trustworthy coaching tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and aspirations.


    Trusted by experts, we prioritize clarity, transparency, and your security for a discreet coaching experience!

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    © 2024 Coach on Tap, LLC.